European Meeting of Silo's Message 2025


We kindly ask you to help us with the organization by letting us know your intention to participate in the meeting.
Te pedimos amablemente que nos ayudes con la organización informándonos sobre tu intención de participar en el encuentro.

Recommendations for the Parks

Parks usage at their Study Centers

Masters. Bookings should be always requiered in advance.

Parks usage at their Work Centers

Humanist Movement members; The Message of Silo members and guests. Bookings should be always requiered in advance.

Other facilities

The Meditation Hall, Multipurpose Hall, Coordination Center, walkways and toilets are facilities for general public use.

Booking form

Reservations are made solely throughout this form which is then sent to the Park commission.

Bookings are accepted depending on the Park availability for the date requested. Then, the cell or appartment assigned by the commission is sent via mail.

Masters are assigned cells in the Study Center until accommodations are complete afterwhich it will be assigned appartments in the Work Center according the date-entering of the reservation.

For group reservations please indicate in the field "Detail" the guests' names.

Cancelations should be noticed 24 hours in advance via e-mail.

In case you wish to modify your reservation, please write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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